Membership Fees
One-Time Initiation Fee: $150
Annual Membership Fee: $200, $400 without 8 hour work party
Annual Membership Fee (Junior Membership): $10
Clubhouse Card Key Fee: Included in membership
Replacement fee for a lost or damaged card key: $10.00
Membership Process
An applicant for membership must:
1) Obtain and complete a Membership Application form and Release Agreement.
2) Be recommended by a current Club Member who is in full standing.
Membership Applications and Release Agreements, are available at:
WSA Membership Package - Fillable.pdf
3) Attend a Board of Directors Meeting where you will submit your application and release agreement Pay initiation fee and membership dues and Answer any questions that may be asked of you during the meeting. New Membership interviews are held the third Wednesday of each month in the Clubhouse at 6:00pm. (Check the calendar for the next meeting.)
4) Having paid your initiation, annual membership, and been approved by the Board for membership, you will be voted on at the next General Membership meeting for Full Membership.
Once voted in, a Membership Badge and Key FOB will will be issued
After being voted in, all new members must attend a range safety meeting. Range safety meetings are held periodically.
Check the monthly calendar for date/time.