Spring 2023 Shotgun League
At the finale dinner/shoot league participants are given raffle tickets for prize drawings. 1 ticket for each shoot attended. You must attend 75% of shoots to be eligible. That means 6 out of 8 scheduled shoots. If you only make 5 you can buy in 1 at 25 dollars but only1. Attendance is paramount.
Usually there's a prize for high gun in each category. A shooter can only win 1. This is to spread out the money. If a shooter is high gun in a second category the prize will go to the second place shooter, unless that person already won, then it goes to the next highest.
Same applies to luck of the draw prizes. A ticket holder can only win once, not including high gun prize. Again, to spread out the cash.
Participants need not be present to win. If you made the effort to get to the shoots and miss the finale you can still win as long as you have the required number of shoots. Your prize will be held for you.
Any questions feel free to contact robert.airosus@verizon.net
BTW we have already had 2 shoots so if you've missed them you best be prepared to make the rest. See you Sunday!